So, what did I do? Well, you can probably guess it. I devised a plan.
After some quick research, I found the EXACT deer head on ebay that I wanted. (It also happened to be identical to the one I wanted to order on Etsy.) The only setback was that it was not painted white and looked like an actual deer. But he was only $40 and I decided that I would save the 60 bucks and buy a can of spray paint.
He's awesome and I'm so glad I decided to go ahead and do it!
All you need is your deer, a can of whatever color you want to paint him (spray paint), and a well ventilated area.)
I painted mine on my back porch and was able to do him with only one can of paint. It did take a few coats to get all the different sides and angles of his antlers and ears, etc.. Easy peasy, though.
Last, around Christmas time I ordered some super cute doll-house wreath swags to wrap around his antlers. (I got mine here.) He looks great without them, but I decided to add the leaves and berries to give him some personality.
I lovingly call him Dukey.
I have a crush on Dukey. I love that you made your own! I have wanted one of these super cute taxiderm(ies?) on my wall forever but didn't want to spend the money either. I seriously need a paper mache elephant.