Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Products I Love: Urban Decay

I spent a decent amount of time on Skype yesterday talking to our long-distance relationship (aka. Missy). She asked me about the makeup I was wearing today (most likely because this week is virtually the first time I've taken the time to put a face on in what seems like forever) and I was happy to pull out my regimen.

Not too long ago, I had the pleasure of digging through my mom's birch box spoils. I snuck an Urban Decay eye shadow sample into my zip-lock baggy and was merrily on my way. Well the sample did its job. I was in love with that eye shadow the second I scooped it off the card with my brush. In fact, I hopped on the computer and found that the Deluxe Eyeshadow is in fact ON SALE. Naturally I filled my cart and anxiously waited for my products to arrive.

Shadows I purchased:
Freakshow: On Sale
Ruthless: Gone. :(
Midnight Cowgirl: On Sale

Urban Decay makes great eye shadow. I haven't tried any of their other products, but I'm definitely going to order from them again. I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to everything else, so I'll be trying their other stuff out, too.

And as an added note, I'm actually a painfully thrifty person. (Borderline CHEAP.) So, it was a little bit of a sacrifice for me to buy these, even on sale, but the quality is good enough that I WOULD recommend it to any of my girlfriends.


  1. I love Urban Decay. I have a color palate called 'Naked'. It's fabulous.

  2. Testimonial: Freakshow will make you mysterious and your man will want to ravish you.


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